Book of Xavier Lore


“Shhh, AC just opened the door to Vault.”

“What’s she doing?”

“She’s laying down an open book on Table-By-the-Door. Shh, she’s looking this way, keep quiet.”

“Okay, she’s gone.”

“Let’s go and take a look.”

“What a strange book! He has blank pages.”

“Excuse me; I’m not strange, just different.”

“Oh, sorry, what are you?”

“I’m Book of Xavier Lore.”

“Hello. I’m 3StepLadder, and this is my friend, Archive Pencil. Just call me 3Step and you can call her AP. You certainly are different from other books AC has brought here. Why are you blank?”

“Ah, you call her AC? I heard others call her Archives Coordinator. Well, I overheard AC  say to Father that when she was new in Archives last year, there were strange noises,  voices whispering in Vault air, but she couldn’t understand what was being said. Then  Dream told her these were voices of The Archival Items or AI, telling each other their  stories before they fall asleep and are forgotten.

Since then, AC has been curious about the stories of The AI. What are their forgotten  stories? If human ears can’t hear them, is there another way to know them?  Then she  thought – what if she left me, Book of Xavier Lore with them, would The Items  tell me stories? I think she’s hoping that when she comes back for me, I won’t be blank anymore.”

“But doesn’t she know?”

“What doesn’t she know?”

“The AI are all asleep. Some of them have been sleeping for decades, even half a century.”

“Then whose are the voices that AC hears?”

“Oh, those are the voices of The AI that have just been brought in. They’re new, young and  still full of energy.  But in a while the cold in Vault lulls them to sleep just like the rest.”

“If that is so, why are you two awake?”

“Oh, AC keeps us awake.”

“What do you mean – keeps you awake?”

“Every time AC touches us, we wake up. She always uses AP and even puts him in her hair.  And she carries me around to be able to climb up and get The Items on  the top shelves.   She’s a little short.”

“Oh, my. AC will be very disappointed when she comes and I am still blank. Is there a way to wake up The Items so they can tell their stories?”

“AP, you’re awake more times than me. Have you seen The Items wake up?

“Some of The Items wake up when AC touches and talks to Them.”

“What do you mean, AC talks to Them? Is she going nuts?”

“Ha, ha. She’s not going nuts. She just has this habit of going around Archives, looking at  The Items and talking to herself. When she does this, sometimes The Items wake up and answer, but of course she can’t hear nor understand Them.”

“That’s it! AP, you will be our guide. When AC brings you around and you see one of The  Items wake up, tell him about Book of Xavier Lore and tell him to stay awake. When  AC leaves Archives, we will go to The Item and he can tell us his story!”

“What a great idea 3Step! And I can lie on your back and you can carry me near  The Item so I can hear his story. You don’t mind that, do you? I’m not very heavy.”

“You’re nothing. AC walks up 3Step many times a day, and she’s not a light weight.  Ha, ha.”

“Oh, I do wish this will work.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out. AP, be sure to talk to The Item when he  wakes up and tell him about Book of Xavier Lore. I’m sure he’ll be glad to learn that finally there’s someone who can help him tell his story so he is not forgotten.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll do my part.”

“Shhh. I think I hear someone coming.”

“If it’s AC, she’ll be so disappointed that I’m still blank.”

“Never mind. The next time she comes, she’ll have the surprise of her life. Let’s go, AP.”

“And it will be a pleasant surprise. Wait for me, 3step.”

“Hush, she’s here.”

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